Galley Solutions’ Secret Sauce

By Frank Buhagiar on Thursday 30 June 2022

Galley Solutions’ Secret Sauce
Image source: Galley Solutions’ Secret Sauce
InterviewFoodTech Investment

“Being recipe first is definitely our secret sauce” - Galley Solutions co-founder Benji Koltai reveals the secret behind the platform that promises to transform the food industry

35-40% reduction in staff stress levels; 48% reduction in food waste - outcomes chefs and food business owners can only dream of, surely?  Not anymore.  Speaking to Future Food Finance, Galley Solutions co-founder Benji Koltai explains how the platform he has built can deliver all of the above and more.

Koltai believes the challenges the food industry faces today stem from how “the kitchen is essentially in the stone age” where anything from recipes to product procurement are, at worst, scribbles on notepads or, at best, entries in clunky spreadsheets.  The result?  Inefficient business practices which, when taken together, are recipes for significant time, cost and food wastage and, crucially, low morale.

All Galley does is haul commercial kitchens out of the analogue age and into the 21st century.  It achieves this by using recipes as the starting point in terms of data collection. From here everything else follows, primarily the automation and integration of back-of-house operations that cover all stages of a recipe’s lifecycle from chef’s idea to customer’s plate.

By accommodating the various work streams under one platform, Koltai believes Galley’s recipe-first solution can break “the negative vortex” prevalent in today’s food industry - low staff wages and morale feed into low profitability for the business owners which then loops back to keep a lid on wages, further demoralising staff and so the cycle restarts.  As Koltai tells Future Food Finance: “We’re working to reverse this into a positive flywheel to improve the lives of the employees, to improve the health of the business and ultimately to provide a better product for the consumer.”

To learn more, have a listen to the full interview here: